“Rings of time" of forest accounting 

Making a gift box for the documentary film “Forest Surveyors" for Roslesinforg

Develop a gift package for the documentary film “Forest Surveyors", record the video on a media and produce printed products.

In the design of gift packaging, we adhered to the corporate identity of Roslesinforga. It better than ever reflects one of the main activities of the company – the digitization of the forest. From the pixel to the formation of global databases on forest inventory, Roslesinforg helps not only to preserve, but also to increase the wealth of forests. And a key role in the company’s activities is played by people whose profession is called “tax operator". You can learn more about the profession of a tax collector, forests and their conservation from the film, which we highly recommend for viewing!

Brand in life:  Roslesinforg

Forest Surveyors film gift package design.
Forest Surveyors gift package design.
Film gift package design.
Forest Surveyors stills visualization.

The Vision Division community was involved in the making of the film

Documentary film “Forest Surveyors”

Forest Surveyors gift package unwrapped.