Winner’s turn

A project to develop a logo and corporate identity for a video production company Good Move

Develop a corporate identity that reflects the semantic field of the company name.


Video production includes many processes, thoughtful actions that can be compared to the game of a grandmaster. Each step must be calculated so that everything goes along the given trajectory of the scenario. Chess is a great and ingenious invention of mankind. The right strategy and a positive attitude is the right recipe for success to achieve victory. Laurels and recognition are guaranteed. Similar video production methods lead to an Oscar nomination, the main thing is to calculate the time and make the knight’s move.

Good move is a set expression in chess when the opponent makes the right move that leads to victory. Making the right moves in the film industry, get in the right frame with Good Move.

Good Move logo showcase
Good Move logo

Graphic arts
The corporate identity directly references and compares video production with playing a grandmaster. The black-and-white graphics of the checkerboard resemble the transparent background in video programs, which clearly illustrates the wide range of video content that can be placed on the black-and-white squares.

Logo visualization that reflects corporate identity
Motivation - advertising banner for Good Move company.
Corporate identity usage examples visualization
Corporate logo on merch goods - Good Move
Corporate identity description and advertising banner.
Good Move clap-board design
Good Move corporate pattern visuaization
Good Move logo on video equipment.